Geschichte der Britischen Monarchie Wiki

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Historiker und Biographen[]

van Houts[]

van Houts, Elizabeth M. C.

  • (2002) mit Harper-Bill, Christopher (eds.). A Companion to the Anglo-Norman World
  • Anglo-Norman Studies
    • Vol. 3 (1980) "The Gesta Normannorum Ducum: a history withaut an end"
    • Vol. 6 (1983) "Scandinavian influence in 11th-Century Norman Literature"
    • Vol. 10 (1987) "?"
    • Vol. 21 (1998) "The Anglo-Flemish Treaty of 1101"
    • Vol. 26 (2003) "The Warenne View of the Past, 1066-1203"
    • Vol. 36 (2013) "The Planctus on the Death of William Longsword [943] as a Source for Tenth-Century Culture in Normandy and Aquitaine"
    • Vol. 37 (2015) bis 41 (2018) ed.


Vanderputten, Steven

  • (2006). "Canterbury and Flanders in the Late Tenth Century". Anglo-Saxon England


Vaughan, Arthur Owen - englischer Schriftsteller, walisischer Nationalist. (1863-1919)

  • Flame-Bearers of Welsh History: Being the outline of the Sons of Cunedda (1905)
  • Isle Raven (1908)
  • The Matter of Wales (1913)

Vaughn, Sally N.

  • Archbishop Anselm 1093-1109: Bec Missionary, Canterbury Primate, Patriarch of Another World (2012)
  • The Abbey of Bec and the Anglo-Norman State, 1034-1136, (1981)
  • Anselm of Bec and Robert of Meulan: The Innocence of the Dove and the Wisdom of the Serpent, (1987)
  • St. Anselm and the Handmaidens of God: A Study of Anselm's Correspondence with Women, (2002)
  • Teaching and Learning in Northern France, c. 1000-1200. Co-edited with Jay Rubenstein
  • (2007). "Henry I and the English Church: the Archbishops and the King". In Fleming, Donald F.; Pope, Janet M. (eds.). Henry I and the Anglo-Norman World: Studies in Memory of C. Warren Hollister


Venning, Timothy

  • The Kings & Queens of Scotland
  • The Kings & Queens of Anglo-Saxon England
  • Cromwellian Foreign Policy
  • The Kings & Queens of Wales
  • The Wars of the Roses
  • The Anglo Saxon Age
  • Lords of the Isles


Vike, Vegard

Von Redlich[]

von Redlich, Marcellus

  • (1940). "The Parentage of Agatha, wife of Prince Edward the Exile". National Genealogical Society Quarterly