Geschichte der Britischen Monarchie Wiki

Dies ist eine Auflistung aller angegebenen Historiker, Biographen, Geschichtsforscher und Autoren, deren Namen in den Artikeln auftauchen, und einer Auswahl ihrer relevanten Bücher und Artikel. Wenn möglich findet sich hier eine kurze Beschreibung der Personen, Links zu ihren Wikipedia- oder anderen Seiten und Verlinkungen zu ihren Büchern und Artikeln. Diese Listen sind nicht vollständig und werden so weit wie möglich regelmäßig aktualisiert.

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Historiker und Biographen[]


Taylor, Simon

  • Kings, clerics and chronicles in Scotland, 500–1297


Thacker, Alan - Universität von London

  • mit Sharpe, Richard (eds.). Local Saints and Local Churches in the Early Medieval West
  • Bede and his martyrology (2011)
  • Bede and Heresy (2011)
  • "Dynastic monasteries and family cults: Edward the Elder's sainted kindred" in Higham, N. J.; Hill, David (eds.) Edward the Elder 899-924


Thierry, Augustin

  • History of the Conquest of England by the Normans (1825)


Thomas, Hugh M.

  • The Secular Clergy in England, 1066-1216 (2014)
  • The Norman Conquest: England after William the Conqueror (2008)
  • The English and the Normans: Ethnic Hostility, Assimilation and Identity after the Norman Conquest, 1066-c. 1220 (2003)
  • Vassals, Crusaders, Heiresses, and Thugs: The Gentry of Angevin Yorkshire (1993)

Thomas, Neil

  • (2002). Diu Crône and the medieval Arthurian cycle


Thomson, R. M.

Thomson, William P. L. (1933-2016)

  • Orkney Land and People (2008)
  • The New History of Orkney (2001)
  • The History of Orkney (1987)


Thompson, E. A.

  • (1984) St Germanus of Auxerre and the End of Roman Britain

Thompson, Kathleen

  • (1990) 'Robert of Bellême Reconsidered', Anglo-Norman Studies XIII; Proceedings of the Battle Conference 1990
  • (2003). "Affairs of State: the Illegitimate Children of Henry I". Journal of Medieval History
  • (2007). "From the Thames to Tinchebray: the Role of Normandy in the Early Career of Henry I". In Fleming, Donald F.; Pope, Janet M. (eds.). Henry I and the Anglo-Norman World: Studies in Memory of C. Warren Hollister


Thorpe, Benjamin (1782-1870) - englischer Gelehrter der angelsächsischen Literatur

  • Ancient Laws and Institutes of England (1840)
  • A History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings (1845)
  • History of England under the Norman Kings (1857)
  • Pauli's Life of Alfred the Great (1854)
  • The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, according to the several Authorities (1861)


Todd, J. H.

  • The War of the Gaedhil with the Gaill, 1867

Todd, Malcolm - britischer Historiker und Archäologe, Hauptfeld Römisches Reich und Westeuropa

  • Everyday Life of the Barbarians (1972)
  • The Northern Barbarians (1975)
  • Roman Britain (1985)


Toledo Candelaria, Marian

  • From reformed barbarian to “saint-king”: literary portrayals of King Malcolm III Canmore (r. 1058-93) in Scottish historical narratives, c. 1100-1449
  • Emily Wingfield, The Trojan Legend in Medieval Scottish Literature


Trachsler, Richard - Universität Zürich

  • "A Question of Time: Romance and History" in A Companion to the Lancelot-Grail


Treharne, Elaine - Professorin für Englisch (unter anderem) an der Stanford Univercity of Leicester, spezialisiert auf walisische und englische Literatur bis 1300

  • Living Through Conquest: the Politics of Early English, 1020 to 1220 (2012)
  • Old and Middle English, An Anthology, 800-1450, 3rd ed. (2009)
  • A History of the English Association (2006)


Trow, M. J.

  • Cnut: Emperor of the North


Tucker, Katie


Tunstall, Peter

  • "The Saga of Ragnar Lodrok and his Sons". Translated, 2005


Turner, Sharon - englischer Historiker (1768-1847)


Tyler, Damian J. - Manchester Metropolitan University

  • Anglo-Saxon Mercia
  • Offa's Dyke
  • "An Early Mercian Hegemony: Penda and Overkingship in the Seventh Century" in Midland History

Tyler, Elizabeth M. - Professorin für Mittelalterliche Literatur an der Universität von York.

  • (ed., 2001). Conceptualizing Multilingualism in England, c. 800-C. 1250
  • Anglo-Norman Studies, Vol. 31 (2009) "The Vita Ædwardi: The Politics of Poetry at Wilton Abbey"
  • (ed. by Elizabeth M. Tyler and M. J. Toswell) Studies in English Language and Literature: 'Doubt Wisely', Papers in Honour of E.G. Stanley (1996)
  • (ed. 2000) Treasure in the medieval West
  • Old English Poetics: the Aesthetics of the Familiar in Anglo-Saxon England (2006)
  • (ed. by Elizabeth M. Tyler and Ross Balzaretti) Narrative and History in the Early Medieval West (2006)
  • England in Europe: English Royal Women and Literary Patronage, c.1000-1150 (2017)
  • (ed. by Jennifer Jahner, Emily Steiner and Elizabeth M. Tyler) Medieval historical writing: Britain and Ireland, 500-1500 (2019)

Mittelalter und Antike[]

Tacitus, Publius Cornelius - römischer Historiker und Senator, lebte um 58 bis 120 n. Chr.


Trask, Katrina

  • 1892 Under King Constantine

Treece, Henry

Turtledove, Harry
